The Ultimate Guide to Colour Palette Generators - Pixel Gallery

The Ultimate Guide to Colour Palette Generators


A colour palette generator is a tool that helps designers, artists and developers create cohesive colour schemes for various projects, from websites, innovative artwork to branding materials.

These tools simplify the process of selecting harmonious colours, ensuring that your designs are visually appealing and effective.

In this guide, we'll explore the top colour palette generators currently available, how to choose the right one, tips for creating effective colour palettes, and future trends in colour palette generation.

Top Colour Palette Generators 

  1. Coolors

Coolors is an intuitive and robust colour palette generator that allows you to explore palettes based on keywords, generate your own colour palette from an uploaded image, and see what your selections look like for people who are colourblind. It also supports generating gradients and more. This tool is available on the web, iOS, as an Adobe extension, and as a Chrome extension.

  1. Adobe Colour CC

Adobe Colour CC is a versatile tool that allows users to create colour schemes using a colour wheel and various colour harmony rules. It also includes features for checking colour contrast and accessibility. This tool is ideal for those who are already using Adobe's suite of design tools.

  1. Colormind

Colormind uses deep learning technology to generate customized colour palettes. It considers the principles of colour harmony and ensures that the palettes are WCAG-compliant, making them accessible and visually appealing.

  1. ColorSpace

ColorSpace is a simple tool that allows users to generate various types of colour palettes, including gradients and complementary colours. It's particularly useful for web developers and designers who need quick and efficient palette generation.

  1. Khroma

Khroma uses AI to learn your favorite colors and generate palettes based on your preferences. This tool is great for designers looking for personalized color recommendations.

How to Choose the Right Colour Palette Generator

When selecting a colour palette generator, consider the following factors:

  • Ease of Use: Look for tools with intuitive interfaces and simple workflows.
  • Features: Ensure the tool offers the features you need, such as colour harmony rules, contrast checking, and export options.
  • Compatibility: Choose a tool that integrates well with your existing design software.
  • Accessibility: Opt for generators that ensure WCAG-compliant palettes to make your designs inclusive.

Tips for Creating Effective Colour Palettes

Understanding Colour Theory Basics

Colour theory is the foundation of creating effective colour palettes. Familiarize yourself with concepts like the colour wheel, colour harmony, and the psychological effects of colours.

Considering Your Brand and Target Audience

Your colour palette should align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. For example, a tech company might use cool, modern colours, while a children's brand might opt for bright, playful hues.

Testing for Accessibility and Contrast

Ensure your colour combinations are accessible to all users by checking contrast ratios and testing for colour blindness. Tools like Adobe Color CC and Colormind offer built-in accessibility features.

Using Colour Palettes in Your Designs

Applying Palettes to Websites

Use your chosen colour palette consistently across your website, from the background and text colours to buttons and links. This creates a cohesive and professional look.

Incorporating Palettes in Graphic Design

Apply your colour palette to various graphic design elements, including logos, social media graphics, and marketing materials. Consistency in colour usage helps reinforce your brand identity.

Using Palettes for Branding

Your brand's colour palette should be reflected in all aspects of your branding, from your logo and website to your packaging and promotional materials. This helps create a strong and recognizable brand image.

Future Trends in Color Palette Generation

AI-Powered Color Selection

AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in colour palette generation, offering personalized and data-driven colour recommendations. Tools like Khroma and Colormind are currently leading the way in this trend.

Integration with Design Software

Expect to see more colour palette generators integrating seamlessly with popular design software, making it easier for designers to implement their chosen palettes directly into their projects.

Personalized Colour Recommendations

As AI technology advances, colour palette generators will become better at providing personalized colour recommendations based on user preferences and project requirements.


Colour palette generators are invaluable tools for designers, helping to streamline the process of creating cohesive and visually appealing colour schemes.

By understanding the features and benefits of the top tools currently available, you can choose the right generator for your needs and create stunning designs that resonate with your audience.

Experiment with different tools and techniques to find the perfect colour palette for your next project. 

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    To address common queries about colour palette generators, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions:

    What is a colour palette generator?

    A colour palette generator is a tool used by designers to create harmonious colour schemes for various design projects, ensuring visual appeal and branding effectiveness. These tools simplify the process of selecting complementary colours for websites, logos, and other design materials.

    How can I generate a colour palette from an image?

    Many online tools allow you to upload an image, from which they extract the dominant colours to create a corresponding palette. This feature is particularly useful when you want to create a color scheme based on existing imagery or branding materials.

    What features should I look for in a colour palette generator?

    Look for features like the ability to adjust colours manually, options for accessibility checking, and compatibility with your design software. Advanced tools may also offer AI-powered suggestions and the ability to save and organize your palettes.

    Are these generators accessible for colourblind users?

    Yes, many modern colour palette generators include accessibility features that check contrast ratios and simulate how colours appear to colourblind individuals. This ensures that your chosen colour schemes are inclusive and usable for a wider audience.

    Can I save my palettes and use them later?

    Most colour palette generators offer options to save your palettes for future projects, either directly in the tool or through user accounts. This feature allows you to build a library of colour schemes for different projects or clients.

    How do I use a colour palette for branding?

    Choose a colour palette that reflects your brand's identity and values, applying it consistently across all your branding materials for a unified aesthetic. A well-chosen colour palette can help reinforce brand recognition and evoke specific emotions associated with your brand.

    By addressing these common questions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of colour palette generators and their applications in design and branding. Remember, the key to successful colour selection is experimentation and understanding the psychological impact of different colour combinations.

    For more in-depth information on colour theory and its application in design, check out our guide to colour psychology in branding.

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